Anderson Tanoto, as the next generation Sukanto Tanoto, works as a Management Committee who participated RER to go to the field to observe directly the state of Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER) in Kampar Peninsula.
In this event, Anderson Tanoto also accompanied by Tony Whitten, a member of the Advisory Board of the RER which is also the Asia-Pacific Regional Director of Fauna & Flora International and Special Staff of the Minister of Forestry, I Made Subadia Gelgel .
RER is a long-term ecosystem restoration program initiated by APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Limited) together with several partners who have committed to joint efforts to protect and restore tropical forests in the Kampar peat. RER partners in the program include APRIL international conservation organization FFI (Fauna & Flora International) which has a rescue program fauna and flora species and its habitat while improving the welfare of local communities in 40 countries, and “Bidara” an organization engaged in social activities and community empowerment .
Chairman of the Management Committee of the RER, Tanoto Anderson, who is also chairman APRIL explain that Meeting of the Advisory Board and Management Committee RER agreed work program that will guide the activities of the RER over the next few years. The work program is divided into four components, namely: ( 1 ) Restoring ecosystems and ensure sustainable management of ecosystem restoration concessions; ( 2 ) Protecting endangered species and ecosystems of peat; ( 3 ) Prevent the occurrence of greenhouse gas emissions, and ( 4 ) Ensure contribution towards improving the welfare of local people, especially those whose lives depend on the resources in and around the concession RER."
The meeting also agreed on the adoption of the standard CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity) as a reference for the RER Management Committee to carry out ecosystem restoration program .
"CCB will complement the RER commitment to implement ecosystem restoration program based on the regulations set by the Indonesian government," he added.
"That's all it is not easy, but with the support of partners who have a strong commitment, adequate resources, high competence and extensive experience, together we will make the best effort to ensure that the program could RER managed to protect and restore forests Kampar peat for sustainability,"said Anderson Tanoto optimistic.
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